Kaffee Adele XI

——– XhansXfranz

mal hans mal franz is an artistic collective, consisting of Julia Polzer and Hanna Mikosch, two Viennese artists who are based in Vienna.
The collective which was founded in spring 2016, aims to intertwine performative interventions with the public space as well as different mediums and people with each other.
Their performances are very context related, illustrating and questioning socio-political issues, to challenge the audience in galleries and in the public space, trying to create questions and dialogues between each other.


———- Mirjana Mustra

REVOLUTION CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR … Spiritual Center for Political Activation
Performative installation
In 2020 we have reached the point of no return of destruction of the planet. With a virus that infected us globally that will leave us in a changing world, the future is uncertain. We need a radical approach to revolution. In this work Mirjana is playing with the idea of spiritualism, com- municating with the dead, and shamanism for the collective awakening of the „revolutionary“ gene, thus triggering the potential of the masses for systematical political change.
Project by Mirjana Mustra (concept, installation, performance) feat. Dragan Mihajlovic (sound).

—————– Adele Knall – Broken/Unfinished

Broken/Unfinished ist eine Reihe von Pop Improvisationen, welche spätnachts entstanden sind.
Hierbei featured sich die Musikerin selbst und greift auf Produktionsweisen zurück, welche nicht Teil ihres normalen Arbeitsprozesses sind.
